Monday, February 25, 2008

Parallel Arrangement - パラレルアレンジを作って、

The theme was Parallel Arrangements in Vertical style. Here are some designs from our Hampstead Class.

This is from Y.Tomoko. The design has good balance and visual contrast with materials. Dendranthemas are showing another side of its character here with their stripped stems.

S. Tomoko has created this blooming design. Freesias are showing its beautiful lines and movement here.

This is Tomomi's design. Its clear colour combination helps to sften the bitter winter weather here in London. Its sence of space in the design is great, too.

H. Keiko created this not-too-sweet design with pink Tulipas. Yes, Tulipa can be rather seductive. Blue Agapanthus are blooming as if they were fire works in the design.

K. Keiko used Orange as its themed colour here. Its combination of interesting visual texture gives visual warmth to the viewers.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Asymetrical - 左右非対称のアレンジを作って

From Hampstead Class, this is Tomomi's arrangement. Its visual impact is strong; bright and full. The arrangement has a good visual balance,too.

From Bloomsbury Class, Yoko, Yukiko, Kuniko and Sanae made this style arrangement.

Yoko paid careful attention to the shape of foliage really well here. Camellia's leaves look like as if they were actually growing in this arrangement.

Yukiko created beautiful positive/negative space in this arranegemt. Even though there were not many material in it, the work still has not lost its appeal.

Kuniko's choice/mixture of material here is superb; good contrast of texture and sizes provided the arrangement with visual depth.

Sanae captured the expression of Lilium in this arrangement. With its strong structure, the work has a sophisticated sharpness.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Spiral Arrangement - スパイラルアレンジを作って

This is a lovely piece of work from Ethaar in Bloomsbury Class. The spiral in this arrangement is created with Eucalyptus, and it looked as if it started moving. Pink Gerberas and Ranunculus showed their charm really well.

Here are 3 different works from Hampstead Class: This is created by Megumi. The work was filled with a sense of Spring, with beautiful movement of Tulipa and Freesia. You can almost hear the heart of nature beating here.

Tomomi's work is just like a small sunny spot in a woods. The spiral movement draws your eyes into this design.

This is Keiko's work. Although the shape of the design is quite dramatic and big, its overall impression is still quiet and peaceful.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Shower Style Arrangement - シャワースタイルのアレンジを作って

Achieving actual balance is the key to create a good shower-style arrangement. No one wants to see the arrangement one has just completed with greatest care starting to wobble on the table edge!

This arrangement is from Yoko at Bloomsbury class. It has lovely flow within, and its shape is just beautiful.

Yukiko has created this gorgeous design. It is wonderful to see the good contrast between soft foliage and deep red colour of Roses.

Let's see Ethaar's design from its side view. Its profile has been created with Eucalyptus leaves here, and the effect is very powerful!

This arrangement is Kuniko's work. This design has something a little bit deeper; movements of the material and texture bring good character to this design.

Friday, February 08, 2008

A Sign of Spring - Violets - 春の足音-におい菫



As aproaching to St. Valentine's Day, something starts shouting at the back of my mind; to prune roses. Hence, I walked out to the chilly morning garden, and found some Violets on a garden corner. They are savagely mowed as well as lawn and Daisies at some big gardens, but they are spreading like mad here.

Is this a sign of Spring?

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Europa Cup 2007 Wedding Bouquet - ヨーロッパ・カップ2007 ウェディング・ブーケ

There were 3 tasks to be made on the 1st day at Europa Cup 2007. After completeing Pippi's Feast, the nexttask was 'Wedding Bouquet'. The themed flowers seemed Dianthus. Its allocated 1 hour slot went so quickly!

こちらはドイツのNadine Weckardtさんの作品です。
This is created by Nadine Weckardt from Germany.

こちらはイギリスのNeil Whittakerさんの作品です。
This is created by Neil Whittaker from Great Britain.

こちらはオーストリアのAndreas Sternさんの作品です
This is created by Andreas Stern from Austria.

こちらはRussiaのIrina Trenevaさんの作品です。
This is created by Irina Treneva from Russia.

こちらはギリシャのLeonidas Rammosさんの作品です。
This is created by Leonidas Rammos from Greece.

こちらはベルギーのStefan Roosenさんの作品です。
This is created by Stefan Roosen from Belgium.

こちらはハンガリーのPeter Panczelさんの作品です。
This is created by Peter Panczel from Hungary.

こちらはデンマークのElsebeth Pedersenさんの作品です。
This is created by Elsebeth Pedersen from Denmark.

こちらはポーランドのRobert Rafal Milkowskiさんの作品です。
This is created by Robert Rafal Milkowski from Poland.

こちらはフィンランドのKatja Nurminenさんの作品です。
This is created by Katja Nurminen from Finland.

こちらはスペインのXavier Lloverasさんの作品です。
This is created by Xavier Lloveras from Spain.

こちらはポルトガルのFilipa Margalhoさんの作品です。This is created by Filipa Margalho from Portugal.

こちらはスイスのChristian Kampfさんの作品です。
This is created by Christian Kampf from Switzerland.

こちらはイタリアのLuciano Lessioさんの作品です。
This is created by Luciano Lessio from Italy.

こちらはCzech RepublicのPremysl Hytychさんの作品です。
This is created by Premysl Hytych from Czech Republic.

こちらはノルウェイのLinda Johnsenさんの作品です。
This is created by Linda Johnsen from Norway.

こちらはオランダのSjacco Gerritsenさんの作品です。
This is created by Sjacco Gerritsen from The Netherlands.

こちらはクロアチアのDesinela Grencさんの作品です。
This is created by Desinela Grenc from Croatia.

こちらはスロベニアのMatjaz Begusさんの作品です。
This is created by Matjaz Begus from Slovenia.

こちらはArmeniaのAraik Galstyanさんの作品です。
This is created by Araik Galstyan from Armenia.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Corsage - コサージュを作って

It might look quite easy to make a corsage, but, in fact, it does take some time and effort to get it right. And, of course, it is worth making your own piece, as it has real quality you can expect only from fresh flowers!

This is from Tomoko. The sweet scent from Polianthes tuberosa floats from a good frame of variegated ivy leaves.

Keiko's corsage is created in a very gentle, yet so stable manner with all different small flowers.

Yoko created this neat looking corsage. Crimson-colour Dahlia 'Viking' really show its beauty here.

モダンコサージュを作られたのは裕季子さんと邦子さんです。裕季子さんは花が雫のようにこぼれ落ちる姿を,邦子さんは流れる葉の小舟に乗った花の姿をうまく捉えていますね。Yukiko and Kuniko made these modern corsages. Yukiko interpreted dews from a flower cup here, and Kuniko translated a leaf floating on a stream into a delicate corsage design.