Monday, September 27, 2010

Flower Festival at Hampstead Christ Church - ハムステッドの花の展示会に是非おいでください!


日時:10月9日(土曜日)10日(日曜日)10:00 〜 17:00
場所:クライストチャーチ ハムステッド教会
Christ Chrch Hampstead
Hampstead Square, NW3 1AB


We have been seeing so many beautifully designed flower arrangements week after week at the class. So much thoughts and emotions are poured into each design, people on the street quite often start asking about these arrangements on their way home. I always wished that these designed to be enjoyed by many more people... and, now, we are delighted to announce the Flower Festival!

Dates : Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th October
Opening : 10:00 - 17:00
Location : Christ Chrch Hampstead, Hampstead Square, NW3 1AB
(Sunday 10th October - Harvest Thanksgiving service from 11:00. Christ Church School Choir sings)

Please come along, and say hello to us!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pear from a garden - 庭に出来た梨





A pear tree has arrived at my friends garden. I had thought the tree would not bear any fruit for many more years o come... But, I was wrong. A big pear on the tree.

A beautiful colour.

Well, he does not really want to open it, yet. Reason why? He is scared of finding a worm inside, eating its flesh...

Does it happen??

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Autumn has come. - 秋はこんなところにも。

これ、Prunus laurocerasusの葉っぱです。 先日アレンジに使ったときには、深い緑いろだったのに...1週間経って、見事な秋色に変身していました。うんー、自然の不思議を手の中で感じました。

This is a leaf of Prunus laurocerasus: It was such a deep green leaf when I arranged it... Now, after a week, Autumn has arrived on it! What a miracle in your hand...!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Ful of HOP! - 段ボール箱一杯のホップ!




Here it is, HOPs! I carried a box full of hops from the market. Brian kept saying "Clean the leaves, yes, remove them!": well, I did it. It took me a while, but it was worth doing it.
I am already looking forward to seeing it in the flower festival!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

TUlip? TUlip! - チューリップ?チューリップ!

I know, they are Tulipas. I saw those at the flower market. Is it right to say that it is too EARLY or too LATE??

Monday, September 20, 2010

Bow Shape Design - ボウ=シェイプ(弓型)アレンジメント

This is Yoko's design. Full of spring flowers with burst of happiness!

丁寧なラインの構成でアレンジを作られているのは、夜の教室の由美さんです。Yumi from Evening classes has paid good attention to each line in this well created design.

恵子さんの作品は、クールで大人っぽい装いです。Keiko's arrangement is a cool one: a sophisticated colour scheme.

邦子さんの作品は、柔らかな弓型が印象的です。Kuniko's arrangement has a lovely elegant arching shape: sitting nicely in the room!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Round Arrangement - ラウンドアレンジメント

These two designs are both created by Yuri. The one with purple Zantedeschia has a real grown-up feel. The second design, on the contrary, has bursting summer energy.

This is Kishiko's arrangement. The clour of Roses is enhanced really well by the delicious combination of Bupleurum and Alium.

This is Emiko's design. Its soft gentle colour scheme gives restful feeling to any viewer.

This is Yumi's design. It is just like a happy spring flower field. Don't you feel HAPPY?

Miho uses a several kinds of foliage here. Its use of line and texture bring artistic quality to the design.

Emiko created this design with white flowers: but not entirely white. Limonium is off-white colour, which gives the design an extra depth.

This is Sachiko's design. Subtle use of Gypsophilia enhances its beauty here.

Rumiko kept a good balance between flowers and foliages here: you just keep admiring its beauty!