Friday, February 18, 2011

Hampstead Flower Festival - フラワーフェスティバルからvol.7

こちらは佳奈子さんのしつらえによるテーブルコーディネートです。“Tea in the Country"と名付けられていました。
This is a fabulous Table setting designed by Kanako. "Tea in the Country" was its title.

This is Emi's design titled "Autumn".

This is Atsuko's Round arrangement: its title was "Modern".

This is Atsuko's teble setting with eye-catching arrangement.

This is Natasche's decoration around a Pipe Organ. With many various small vases, Natasche has created a wonderful display. It was too big to capture on a single picture: hence, this is just a part of the decoration!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

From the market - 花市場から


The New Covent Garden Market was unusually quiet and almost bear...I think it was the aftermath of Valentine Day. Yet, there wee still beautiful flowers: one of those was this lovely Fritillaria. A messenger from early Spring. There are some to use at the class, so please pop in to the class to see these cuties!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Design for this week - 今週のお題

Hard pruning on Roses was my task yesterday: now my hands have many small cuts! A few years back, I watched a gardening programme on TV, and the presenter suggested that hard pruning on roses to be done around St. Valentine's day. Since then, I have been religiously doing this around this time. The result? Touch wood! So far, so good!

今週のクラスでは、基礎コースでは三方見のアレンジを一緒に作りましょう。イギリスらしい形のアレンジですよね。アレンジの王道です。こちらは由未さんによる作品です。This week, we are making Front Facing Arrangements with Basic Class. It is a standard British design to me. Well, perhaps this is an archetype of flower arrangement after all. Anyway, This design was created by Yumi.

アドバンスクラスでは、左右非対称の典型的なデザインとなるL型のアレンジメントに挑戦です。大人っぽさの出る、格好のいいアレンジを一緒に作って行きましょう。こちらは恵さんによる作品です。In Advanced Class, L-Shaped design is our agenda. It is a typical asymmetrical design: visual and actual balance can be the key factor here. Let's make a cool one together! This picture is Megumi's design.

Hope to see you in the class!

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Party with Japanese twist - パーティー

What a beautiful house! It was an order for a house party. The clients wanted to have flowers at the party because they love it, not because of vanity nor to show off. There were some simple yet elegant arrangements through the house when I visited the house. Mmmmm, so nice! Anyway, thank you so much, and keep enjoying flowers, Rupert!