Thursday, October 31, 2013



One fine Summer day - bottomless blue sky.

I think I have to wait till next year now...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I was lost for words - 一目逢ったその日から。。。

 I could not help staring at them, yes, at The New Covent Garden Market, the other day. 


I was speechless, but.....WOW.

Monday, October 28, 2013

New Leaf in TOKYO - 颯爽とした風が、ロンドンから東京へ

This is one of her beautiful creations - そんな彼女の作品の一つです。

I have just heard a great NEWS! One of my dear colleagues is planning to resume her TABLE Co-Ordinating classes in TOKYO from November. We did not have a chance to share a work place in London, but I always admired her work - taking orders, delivering her creations here in London, as well as running ever so popular classes.




I actually have been to her class a few times to be nosy. Naturally, there was this deep understanding of table setting, soft furnishing, and flower designs. The great thing about her is that she is not a precious princess - she is so down to earth! Works hard, laughs out loud, yet never forgets to be grateful. 

Now, it is time for people in Japan to be able to experience it in first hand!
I must make a reservation for my seat when I go to Tokyo.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

今日も一生懸命。Working hard, as always.



Normally, I don't have time to take photo while am at work,nor after completing designs... but there was this kind person taking a picture of me - please excuse my back!

Happy Wedding, K and G!

Work in progress in a members club in Soho, London on 19th Oct.
— at Soho, london.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Vegetative Round ベジタティブアレンジを作って

こちらのデザインは恵さんによるものです。一輪一輪にそれぞれの ‘咲く場所’ が与えられ、まるで自然の景色を切り取ってきたような風情があります。立体感のある素敵な作品ですね。
Megumi has created this arrangement. Each flower was given its own “space to grow/bloom” in this design, and the whole arrangement just looked like a piece of field. A wonderfully well dimensioned design.

こちらは、裕季子さんの作品です。品種によっては、この季節にもう一度咲いてくれるバラがあります。そんな晩夏の庭を彷彿とさせる 、野性味溢れるデザインです。姫リンゴやぶどうの秋色に、薫り高いバラの色合わせも絶妙ですね。
This is Yukiko's design. Some varieties of Roses do bloom again around this time of the year, and this design really depicts its beauty: the end of summer, dry leaves with crisp air. Crab apples and some grape vine were accompanied by some highly scented roses. So wild!

Toshimi has created this design. The colour PINK can be quite intimidating - it somehow makes it look almost too cute... However, Toshimi effortlessly avoided falling in to that trap, and created an elegant colour combination. Pink for sophisticated table, I think.